Tuesday, September 1, 2020



Cat cuddling close to you.

Cats purring prettily as they rub against my face.

Cat hissing like a snake.

Cat hungry, hunting like a tiger.

Cat stealthy, ready for the hunt of the night.

Cat crawling carefully through the night.

Cat sleeping the a bat.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Antarctica facts!

 1. In winter it is always dark 

2. Antarctica is a desert because it never rains.

3. polar bears don't live in Antarctica they live in the Arctic.

4. Penguins only live in Antarctica.

5. 90% of iceberg is under water.

6. water that is warmer than ice is water can also make ice melt even if it's cold.

7. scott base is in Antarctica.

8. Because of climate change ice is melting because water is getting warmer.

9. whales have fat in their skin called blubber it protects and keeps them warm so they don't get hypothermai.

10. penguins stay warm by using each other.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

My Landscape.

I put the sunset on because it is calm, quiet, soft and colourful. I chose this because I like the bright colour of the sunset. I chose yellow and orange because they match and is the main part of the sunset.
I chose a border for my art because I wanted to be different from all the other pieces of art. I chose the border because I was thinking I could be creative. I put Tinwald farm sign on because I wanted to represent Tinwald my farm. I put  it up so then people know it's my art. I chose mountains because it represent Cromwell and our environment. Mountains are quite popular in Cromwell. When it is winter the mountains get covered in snow and sometimes the snow on the mountains make Cromwell frost. I picked a road because my farm is by the speedway heading towards Wanaka it also reminds me of home.